Kenny Butterill

Americana Artist, Songwriter & Producer

Are You Surprised?

Album: Just a Songwriter
© Kenny Butterill/No Bull Songs. All Rights Reserved.

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I need you for courage,
I need you for strength,
I need you for humility,
I need you more than I think.

Are you surprised?
To be hearing this tonight,
Never thought we’d be so close,
Come a long way from,
long way from
No One You Know.

I need you for living,
I need you for the end
I need you forever,
I need you ’cause you’re my best friend.

We’re on the right track,
Ain’t no looking back
Partners in the Game,
Riding Destiny’s train.

Song NotesThe song is about a very important person in my life who has been a great believer in what I am doing – even before “No One You Know”. Sometimes in the haste of living we overlook those who are most important to us. That’s what this song says. — Kenny Butterill 
Harmonica: Norton Buffalo
Lead Guitar: Ray Bonneville
Drums: Jim Norris
Bass: Bill Laymon
Acoustic Guitar and Vocals: Kenny Butterill